Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Big Milestone -My 3-year Survival Anniversary!

It's been about two years since my last entry, and so much has happened in that time I'm not sure where to begin. I can credit my Mom for this blog entry. She called me to wish me a happy survivor anniversary, and asked me why I hadn't posted anything on my blog or Facebook. I had thought about it several times, but the catch up seemed overwhelming. So, this entry is going to be minimal catch-up. I'll fill in blanks later, but first things first: my 3-year milestone is certainly worth celebrating! I've been smiling all week long because of it, and I just want to shout my joy at being cancer free for another year!

I've had a roller coaster of ups and downs since my last entry, but feel blessed that the ups have significantly outweighed the downs. My breast reconstruction proved to be as bad or worse than my actual cancer treatment, and currently I have only one fully reconstructed breast. My sisters like to call me an Amazon warrior, both because of my height, and the fact the Amazons used to cut off one of their breasts, so that they could be better shots with the bow and arrow. It sounds silly, but thinking of things from that perspective is sort of empowering.

The good news is that just a few months after my last blog entry, I met my my husband, and we were married about a year later. Scott is an amazing man, who truly loves me for who I am. The cancer thing didn't even phase him, and he never made degrading comments about my crazy, wild hair that was still growing back when we met, or the fact that I'm a one-boob wonder. In fact, he was there with me every time I had to be in the hospital, and he has been nothing but supportive and loving. Marrying Scott, I also became a step-mom to three terrific kids, who keep me busy in the most challenging and enjoyable ways. I love being a Mom - it's been something I've wanted all my life, and even when it's hard, it's still wonderful. I am enjoying the journey and everyday is a new adventure. God is great and life is good.

Side note - My sister, Stacy, reminds me I never posted my story about the squirrel acting "Hamlet" out on my back porch. I'll try to do that...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Becky! That is truly an amazing and wonderful milestone! I wish you many more happy, HEALTHY years!

Katie Sensenbrenner

P.S. When are you going to share some wedding photos?!

Blondepoetess said...

Hey beautiful,

I am SO happy to see this blog entry, and I know I will be there soon, but I still would love to see the Hamlet story. I am sure everyone would get a kick out of that.

Alysia Thomas Photography said...

Wooohoo! Both for the anniversary and for the blog post. I thought you had given up on it. I think most people think the same about mine. Love love LOVE you!