Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I know that it has been months since my last post but in those last few months I: finished radiation; did some house hunting; had hysterectomy (that's a story in itself); had company for Thanksgiving; did some more house hunting; celebrated Christmas at my apartment with my Mom and Harlan; went with my friends Melissa and Mary to a New Year's Dance/Party that made me feel like I was back in Junior High; did extensive house hunting; finally found a wonderful house in Flower Mound; packed my apartment in Irving while taking weekends and evenings to paint rooms in the new house; moved into my wonderful new home (YEA! pictures to come); and if all that wasn't enough, I started a new job a few weeks ago. I'm still working with Bank of America, but I'm no longer an Admin Assistant. I'm now working with Production Support doing documentation and granting access for applications, and - best of all- I get to work from home!

Obviously things are looking brighter than they were when I wrote my last post. My radiation burns have long since healed, my reconstructive surgery is in a few months, and I got a clean bill of health from my medical oncologist a few weeks ago. After examining my CT, blood work, and giving me a physical exam, she said that for 6-months post-chemo I'm doing great -I'm not even anemic anymore! And today I had my follow-up with my radiologist, who also gave me a clean bill of health. Although, due to recent studies on the BRCA1 gene, he recommends I start having colonoscopies - bummer! (literally)

One year ago today I received the news that I had breast cancer, and tonight, I am going out to celebrate my victory in this ongoing battle by going out for a nice dinner and maybe splurging on something fun for myself or my new house. I will continue to celebrate this victory one day, one year at a time. Cancer might have temporarily slowed me down, but it has not kept me from accomplishing my goals or fulfilling my dreams. I may have to adapt a few of them, but I am going to take this precious life and make the most of it!